Mark van Gerven, Bejo Zaden B.V.
2024 Outstanding Student Award Winner

Mark van Gerven is the Oustanding Student Award winner for 2024 and he received his award at the Euroseeds Congress in Copenhagen on October 15, 2024, presented to him by PBA Director, Jovan Djordjevic.

View the video interview here with Seed World Group's Editorial Director, Marcel Bruins, as he interviews Mark van Gerven. (From Seed World Group, Oct 2024): In this engaging conversation, Mark highlights the unique curriculum of the UC Davis program, which blends the latest in plant breeding technologies with practical applications in logistics, strategy, and people management. Learn why Mark believes this hands-on approach makes it one of the best programs for developing future leaders in the industry. Mark also discusses the dynamic nature of plant breeding, the role of teamwork, and the importance of adaptability in overcoming industry challenges. His enthusiasm for plant breeding and his dedication to advancing the field make this a must-watch interview for anyone passionate about agriculture and innovation.
Mark gave the Graduation speech for EPBA Class VIII on June 28, 2024. He spoke about how EPBA taught them how to set directions, focus and persist; breeding takes variation, teamwork, and creativity.
Congratulations, Mark!

Mark van Gerven Graduation Speech PowerPoint and Text:

"Hi everybody, thank you for joining the EPBA 7 graduation ceremony.
My name is Mark van Gerven. It seems that I have been elected ‘Outstanding student’ of EPBA 7. I can’t tell you how honored I feel to represent this wonderful group of people here today.
Maybe I have been one of the more assertive individuals when it comes to asking questions or starting discussions, but one can never have a discussion alone. I sincerely hope that my role made the course more valuable for everyone. I can honestly say that your participation in EPBA 7 added quite a bit of value to the course for me. Thank you for that!
And then there is the social part. Wow, all 16 of you are such good people. All the dinners together, striving for mutual agreement on what restaurant to go to. The Spanish even compromised greatly on dinner time every now and then.
Maybe you noticed there’s only 16 here including me. Our fellow student Helga had to pause her EPBA, but I still consider her to be part of our EPBA7 group of friends. I admired her open view on how to apply all we have learned in a crop that is so challenging as hers. Thank you Helga!
Of course, I can’t leave the stage before having thanked my employer Bejo Zaden for the opportunity to take on this great Academy. Even more so, I owe my mentor and manager Timo Petter a great thank you for supporting me in starting and facilitating time and support along the way: Thank you Timo! And thanks all my colleagues who had to get the work done without me when I was busy with class. I’m sorry to tell them there will be some extra work coming at them as a result of EPBA.
A great word of gratitude for my family: my wife and kids who had to miss me during class and during all these nights when I was busy getting my homework and final project done. They have been a great support along the way.
Thank you all the instructors: Rita, Rob, Jaap, Allen and Kent. Thanks for unconditionally sharing your knowledge and your patience every time I didn’t get it or had another question. You have been great!
Alexandra, Jovan and Whitney: we’ll get to you in a minute. First I want to share a few highlights of what I have learned during the Academy."
View all EPBA Class VII participants and learn more about the Plant Breeding Academy in Davis or Europe.